
Sallyportal: Madly Blogging



Infiltrates Portland Marathon

Psychology major Chanelle Doucette 鈥14 was part of 's record turnout at the Portland Marathon.

No fewer than 57 runners participated in the Portland Marathon and Half-Marathon yesterday, ’s strongest showing in the event, and possibly its strongest showing in any off-campus sporting event in the college’s history.

’s fastest marathon runner was econ major James LaBelle ’15, who crossed the finish line in the scorching time of 2:59:44. Close on his heels came physics major Will Holdhusen ’16, who clocked an impressive 3:00:14. The fastest half-marathon runner was Dean of Students Mike Brody, who posted a nimble 1:41:01 (apparently chasing after students does wonders for one’s stamina).

’s turnout included 15 students, 3 professors, 11 staff, 14 alumni, and assorted other lifeforms (friends, family) and reflects a surge of interest in running on campus in the last couple of years. In August, Prof. Paul Gronke [poli sci] and Prof. Suzy Renn [bio] put together a team for the Hood-to-Coast Relay, which included two students, four alumni, and four staff members; the team placed tenth in a division of 84. Last month, ’s 5K Odyssey Run drew 197 runners, including 26 students.

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