
Sallyportal: Madly Blogging



Celebrating 鈥4/20鈥 At

 students celebrate 4/20 with doughnuts.

ies were out in force in the student union on Saturday, April 20, which has become—for better or worse—an international day of inhalation among cannabis enthusiasts.

Tradition calls for pot smokers to light up their joints at exactly 4:20 p.m., but hundreds of students instead observed the moment by munching on free donuts. As the clock ticked down to 4:20 p.m., the SU was filled not with the skunky odor of marijuana, but with students eagerly anticipating their chance to partake of a communal feast on torus-shaped pastry. And it was all courtesy of the man who has become the most public face of ’s policy on alcohol and other drugs (AOD)—Gary Granger, director of community safety.

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