
Sallyportal: Madly Blogging


"Helen Stafford"

Bio Prof Bequeaths Fortune to

When President Colin Diver announced last week that 's Centennial Campaign had passed the $185 million mark, he also revealed that the late [biology 1954-87] had bequeathed an astonishing $8 million to in her will. The bulk of the gift will provide financial aid to students otherwise unable to attend , and $1 million will support the biology department.

When news of Prof. Stafford's gift reached her niece Anne Scarff in Amherst, Massachusetts, she was gobsmacked.

"We received a magnanimously generous gift from your aunt this week," we told her.

Campaign Tops $185 million

President Colin Diver announced last week that the has surpassed $185 million toward its $200 million goal.

"We are grateful for the very generous support from more than 7,000 alumni and an additional 4,000 friends," Diver said.

The campaign supports priorities that were defined by the collective work of campus planning completed during a faculty retreat in 2005 and launched by the trustees later that year. It received early momentum in November 2007 through a $10 million commitment by trustee and his wife, Susan Steinhauser, who were already significant supporters. A second leading gift was received in 2009 with $20 million from the estate of famed fantasy/science fiction writer .

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