
Sallyportal: Madly Blogging


"Chinese Chess"

The Xiaochi Scholars

Amy on the Xian city wall.jpg

Amy Egerton-Wiley '13 on the Xi'an City Wall

From the farthest edges of the globe to the inner mechanics of the cell, ies have always loved to explore. Since 1977, 's , run by the indefatigable , has sent out students to see world while making sure they come back in time to graduate. ies always return with stories to tell; here we present an occasional report of their adventures.

Amy Egerton-Wiley '13 was born and raised in Los Angeles. She fell in love with when she got to , and decided to make it her major in her sophomore year. That spring she spent a semester abroad at Capital Normal, a -approved university program located in Beijing. She chose Capital Normal (over an American-run program) because she wanted a truly Chinese educational experience, but the school's language-learning program, with its heavy emphasis on memorization, was uninspiring. So Amy to turned Beijing into her school: her Mandarin grew stronger with every conversation on a subway train or in a public park.

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