
Sallyportal: Madly Blogging

Class of ’14 and ’15: Where Are They Now?

What do you do with a degree from ?

Scattered to the wind, the classes of ’14 and ’15 are beginning to take root in their careers, according to a “first destination” survey conducted by the .

Six months after commencement, 90% of the grads of both 2014 and 2015 reported having found successful first destinations: 65% held full-time jobs; 9% held part-time jobs; and 11% were in grad school. The remaining 10% were looking for work.

Some 20% were pursuing careers in business or entrepreneurial fields; another 17% in education; 16% in government, policy, or nonprofit worlds; and 16% in research.

The survey has an overall knowledge rate of 84%, meaning that 84% of the graduates responded to at least some parts of the survey. The average reported by the  for its most recent published survey was 80%.

In the past two years, ies have launched their careers at an astounding array of different companies, agencies, and nonprofits, including AmeriCorps, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, GE, Glassdoor, Google, Institute for Women's Policy Research, JET Program, Mercy Corps, National Institute of Standards in Technology (NIST), National Public Radio (NPR), National Institute of Health (NIH), Nike, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Peace Corps, PIMCO, Puppet Labs, Simple Finance, Tableau Software, Teach for America, Urban Airship, and the World Bank.

Congratulations to our graduates!

Tags: life beyond reed, careers

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