
Sallyportal: Madly Blogging

"The Last Great Conservative College"

An article in the latest edition of Portland Monthly describes as And yes, the author is a ie.

Citing 's demanding requirements and classical curriculum, history major Ethan Epstein '10 makes a persuasive case that most Portland residents are looking at through the wrong end of the microscope.

"As a ie, I long ago accepted that most Portlanders consider my alma mater a hybrid of Haight-Ashbury and Keith Richards's medicine cabinet," he writes.

"This reputation, sadly, ignores what makes truly countercultural. , you see, is actually a conservative stronghold. In crucial ways, the place is far more rigid than most Bible colleges. And yes, that's a good thing."

Kudos to Ethan for shedding a little light on for our friends and neighbors in Portland.

(Be sure not to miss the related featurette, "," on those ies most desired around a dinner table!)

Tags: alumni, Hum 110, Portland

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