
New Roof for Sports Center Pool

Damaged roof requires demolition, removal, and rebuilding.

By Robin Tovey ’97 | December 14, 2017

The sports center pool has been closed due to a damaged roof since August, and the demolition, removal, and rebuilding of the structure has been a monumental undertaking (you’ve likely noticed the large crane on the east side of the pool enclosure or read our ). Here is an update from Towny Angell, director of facilities operations:

We are progressing on schedule and have been very grateful for the extended dry spell. The roof decking, trusses, and window wall were carefully removed and all of the roof scaffolding has been taken down. The steel trusses are built and are being painted; next up, the rebuilding begins.

A mid-February completion date is feasible, and continued good weather could help us get there faster. On the other hand, measurable snow or prolonged freezing temperatures could cause delays. The contractors have done an amazing job of keeping impact to a minimum on our very active loading dock area, and we continue to hope for the best.

We realize many of you rely on the pool for your personal fitness and health, and we greatly appreciate your patience with this process.

Tags: Sports & Adventures, Campus Life